Ant invasion, Boss fight, Power-ups



This is a showcase of what I made during the project

This six-week game project, developed with a team of 12 members (4 programmers, 3 designers, and 5 artists), was my first major game development experience. 

It was also my first project using C++, working with a framework that had no documentation, making problem-solving both challenging and enjoyable.

Given the time constraints and the steep learning curve, I primarily focused on developing the gun controller and boss manager. 

The modular gun controller I created was versatile enough to support various attacks, such as molotovs and grenades, and was also adapted for melee combat.

In the final two weeks, I concentrated on enhancing the boss fight to ensure it integrated seamlessly with the game. 

This project was also my introduction to memory-dependent coding, which was crucial due to the performance demands of our hack 'n' slash game.

I hope you enjoy exploring my first game project with PlaygroundSquad!

Gun Controller

It instantiates an entity which is the bullet, moving in the direction of where you aim.

Sniper(tg::cModel* _model, tg::cVector3f _camera)

    if (m_gun_timer <= 0.0f && m_gun_unlocked )


        auto* bullet = new cProjectile();

        bullet->m_model = m_sniper_model;


        m_offset = _model-> * 0.5f;

        m_offset += _model->transform.local.up() * 0.6f;

        tg::cVector3f particle_offset{0.7f, 0.5f, 0.6f};


        if (m_shooting_left)


            m_offset += _model->transform.local.left() * 0.7f;

            m_shooting_left = false;




            m_offset += _model->transform.local.left() * -0.7f;

            particle_offset.x *= -1;

            m_shooting_left = true;


        bullet->m_lifetime = 1.2f;

        m_gun_timer = m_gun_cooldown;

        m_hud_ui->setGunLock( true );

        bullet->getPosition() = _model->transform.local.pos() + m_offset;

        bullet->setVelocity(_camera * m_speed);



        auto* ents = cEntityManager::getInstance().getEntities();


        cParticleManager::getInstance().emplaceParticle( std::to_string( _model->transform.local.pos().z ),

        new cParticle( "data/particles/PS_gunSmoke_v2.tfp", &cEntityManager::getInstance().getPlayer()->getPosition(),

        0.4f, truetrue, particle_offset, true ) );

        cSoundPlayer::getInstance().play( "sfx_player_sniper_3_HIGHPASS_ALT", eAudioChannel::kPlayer );

        cEntityManager::getInstance().getPlayer()->getCamera()->shake( m_sniperShakeMagnitude, m_sniperShakeTime,

         m_sniperShakeSpeed, 1 );


Boss Manager

The boss' attack include throwing an egg towards the player, with the player's velocity in mind.



    m_cooldown = m_timer;

    auto* eggs = cEntityManager::getInstance().getEntities();

    eggs->push_back( new cProjectile() );

    eggs->back()->setType( cEntity::kEgg );

    eggs->back()->m_model = m_egg_model;

    m_offset = m_boss_model-> * 1.1f;

    m_offset += m_boss_model->transform.local.up() * 3.0f;

    m_offset += m_boss_model->transform.local.left() * 0.0;

    eggs->back()->getPosition() = m_boss_model->transform.local.pos() + m_offset;

    m_length = ( cEntityManager::getInstance().getPlayer()->getPosition() 

    - m_boss_model->transform.local.pos() );

    if( cEntityManager::getInstance().getPlayer()->m_dashing_timer <= 0.0f 

    && !cEntityManager::getInstance().getPlayer()->m_colliding_wall )


        m_calculated_egg_direction = m_boss_model-> + 

        cEntityManager::getInstance().getPlayer()->getVelocity() + m_length;


    else if( cEntityManager::getInstance().getPlayer()->m_dashing_timer >= 0.0f 

    || cEntityManager::getInstance().getPlayer()->m_colliding_wall )


        m_calculated_egg_direction = m_boss_model-> + m_length;


    cSoundPlayer::getInstance().play("sfx_boss_throw", eAudioChannel::kDefault);

    eggs->back()->setVelocity( m_calculated_egg_direction );

    eggs->back()->setSize( 2 );

    eggs->back()->setUseGravity( true );
